Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mutant mosquitos and MAYSAA


Its another warmy, toasty day in the Midwest. I think Michigan finally made up its mind about whether or not it wanted to stick to warm weather. thank God because I neeeeeed my dose of sun otherwise I'll be sad and cold all the time. I'll also be stuck wearing stiffling socks that inhibit me from enjoying life because I'll be think about how uncomfortable my toes are.

*sigh* Anywho, I've been so busy with work lately and we finally hired a new lady. alhumdulilah. maybe some of the stress will trickle away from the office now because people were getting OUT OF HAND.

I have a list of random things today that I wanted to inform my beautiful readers:

1. I killed this BIG MUTANT mosquito in my car last night. I'm horrified to go in there now. i don't even know how it got in there in the first effing place!!!!! Luckily i had a box of dyer sheets that came in handy. :)

2. MAYSAA is finally about to crack open in a week I believe. if you have NO CLUE of what I'm talking about check here. She's an amazing designer/blogger and you should check her out. she's starting a nice modest line (of which is amazing and I have been waiting for months to come out).

3. That's all I really had. lol

I must go now lads (is that the right term?), I have to go to work. Enjoy you day if its warm and get a pizza if its cold where you are.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I feel so bad

Its been about 2 months since my last post and I honestly feel like a big poop face because of that. Luckily, the semester is over and I can kind of relax a bit more, but I'm work almost double the hours now.

But today... today, I'm off from work and I feel like I'm reuniting with an old friend and I suddenly can't remember why we haven't talked in so long. I don't think I was mad, but I was busy with things that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do. For that, I apologize for not at least sharing ONE thought with you all, I'm sorry for being caught up with all of my whatnots and thingamajiggs, when the whole time I should have been focusing on my craft and passion of writing. *sigh*

Considering what occurred during the past couple of months, I feel re-inspired to write and share that skill with all of you who take time out your day to see what I'm talking about.

A lot of things have changed in the environment around and I hope to portray that through this lovely blog here.

Insha'allah, you'll be hearing from me more often and I'll get to hear your responses and gain to readers.

Thanks for taking a look.
I hope you all are in good health.
